
Making teeth straight is what we do, in fact, we LOVE it!  Kelson Orthodontics offers a variety of orthodontic methods, and materials in vibrant colors to create your teen’s gorgeous smile.  The awkward teen years with head gear is a thing of the past, straightening teeth is more comfortable, more stylish and with Dr. Kelson, more fun.

WHAT NEEDS CORRECTION<br>The amount of treatment needed in order to correct a problem will determine how long the process takes. Different patients react to treatments differently, so while it may take one patient only 12 months to complete their treatment, it may take another patient 24 months.


The KO Difference

EARLY TREATMENT<br>Early treatment allows orthodontists to monitor the growth of the jaw and recommend further orthodontic treatment if it becomes necessary.


Know Your Options

YOUR WILLINGNESS<br>Your willingness to use the appliances your orthodontist gives you plays a major role in the length of time it takes to complete your treatment.


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We'll be by your side every step of the way.

I’m sure all of you moms and dads remember your teenage years. They were awkward enough without having to worry about the state of your teeth. You can stress over your teen’s grades, first dates and college applications, but let Kelson Orthodontics take care of their smile.

  • Straight teeth, full alignment
  • Improves crowding of the teeth,
  • Improves the structure and function of the jaws
  • Corrects overbites, crossbites, and underbites
  • Improved facial balance and profile
  • Less damage to teeth, healthier teeth
  • Easier to clean and maintain
  • Healthier tissue and gums
  • Fewer cavities = lower dental costs
  • Reduce the appearance of gum tissue when smiling
  • A Full Confident Smile

Early Treatment

Early treatment allows orthodontists to monitor the growth of the jaw and recommend further orthodontic treatment if it becomes necessary. Not everybody receives early orthodontic treatment, and in some cases, it may be recommended that a patient wait until they are older to receive treatment.

What Needs Correction

The amount of treatment needed in order to correct a problem will determine how long the process takes. Different patients react to treatments differently, so while it may take one patient only 12 months to complete their treatment, it may take another patient 24 months. Treatment times can vary depending on how quickly your body responds and how much work is needed to give you the show-stopping smile you expect.

Your Willingness

Your willingness to use the appliances your orthodontist gives you plays a major role in the length of time it takes to complete your treatment. Always remember to take care of your braces and appliances; this truly will help make your treatment shorter!


Does the thought of metal braces fill you with dread? Well, you have plenty of choices.

We believe that orthodontic treatment should not only be effective and efficient, but also look good. Our face-focused approach is personalized and we make sure we find the solution to best fit your teen’s individual goals, unique orthodontic issues and even your budget.

We’ll be by your side every step of the way from the initial consultation to the final visit, and yes that day WILL come. We’ll even have a little fun along the way!

Face-Focused Care

Dr. Kelson specializes in Face-Focused Orthodontics. This means he dedicated extra years of schooling to the bone development of jaws, cheeks and facial structure along with study on maximizing individual aesthetic facial balance. Basically, he can straighten your teen’s teeth into alignment awesomeness, and work magic on the unique characteristics of their bone structure to maximize their beauty and attractiveness.

Traditional Braces

Metal braces are the most common type, and they’ve stuck around for a reason: They’re effective. Thanks to improvements in design and comfort, patients no longer have the stereotypical unwieldy mouth full of metal. Newer versions of metal braces are smaller, more comfortable, and as a bonus you get to choose your favorite elastics colors.

Clear Braces

Though clear braces rely on brackets and wires like traditional braces, the brackets are crafted using clear materials making them transparent and perfect for those who want a less noticeable look. Clear braces are becoming more common as an option for teenage and adult patients.


Invisalign uses a custom-made series of clear, comfortable aligners made to wear over teeth. Your teen will insert a new set of aligners every two weeks, and the teeth gradually shift into place. Invisalign Teen aligners can be a great fit for your teen’s lifestyle, because aligners are clear, removable (responsibility is huge here!), customized.

Dentofacial Orthopedics

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for cosmetic reasons. Sometimes it’s necessary to correct complex skeletal abnormalities. Different orthopedic appliances or surgical correction can guide jaw and facial growth. Techniques can either precede or be used in conjunction with braces.

Before you choose, we’d like to make sure you’ve taken the time to learn everything you need to make a confident choice. Dr. Kelson is an orthodontic expert and will gladly share with you all you need to know to receive the best results for your teen that meet your goals.

Bonus Material

Face-Focused Orthodontics

Dr. Kelson specializes in Face-Focused Orthodontics. What is this, you ask? This means he dedicated years of extra schooling to the bone development of jaws, cheeks and facial structure, to maximize individual aesthetic facial balance.  Basically, he can straighten your teeth into alignment awesomeness, and work magic on the unique characteristics of your bone structure to maximize your beauty and attractiveness.  He is able to create a balanced profile, a fuller lip line, a reduction in the appearance of gum tissue, soften wrinkles and fine lines, improve bone structure and all the while, straighten your teeth. Faces and smiles are truly his art.  Dr. Kelson loves his work and our patients love the results.

He is able to accomplish these feats in a myriad of ways, through Traditional Braces, Invisalign, and Accelerated Orthodontics, often using a combination of these treatments to create his amazing results. In fact, Dr. Kelson is one of the pioneering orthodontists whose orthodontic research is the basis for these new techniques being used in modern orthodontic practice.